We provide a multitude of services in order to meet the needs of our consumers and provide the best environment possible

Independent Living Skills
This service covers all aspects of training in independent living and is incorporated into each speciality-training heading included in our program. Of course, this is based on consumer needs, capability, and will be tailored to each particular consumer.

Community Integration Services
This service helps to provide social/recreational opportunities to consumers on a one-to-one ratio. We focus on training in special purchases, road safety, appropriate behavior/modification and in community-based atmosphere. We support independent recreation and introduction to community events.

Transitional Support
Transitional support is provided for those consumers faced with a new environment. This may mean preparation for a residence, a new doctor, a new job or attendance at a new school. We offer skill training in destination options, environmental activities, and emotional/behavioral/ encouragement support.

Mobility Training
This service teaches skills in routing/scheduling and utilization of public transportation in both destination and general use of busses, trains, air travel, and taxi services. We also incorporate safety topics, road awareness, appropriate methods of payment and special services.

Medication Compliance
KALOS staff is not permitted to dispense medication however, we do offer training techniques to assist our consumers in assembling medication charts, timetables, and dosages. This serves as visual tool to help with teaching independent compliance. We also teach skills in understanding treatments, importance of correct dosage, and in refilling and renewing prescriptions.

Advocacy and Awareness Promotion
This service helps to develop a consumer's self-esteem. We emphasize the importance of establishing a strong sense of self, knowledge of personal rights and privileges, personal responsibility, stress management, respect of personal boundaries, right assertion, personal safety and emergency contacts and resources.

Community Service Provider
KALOS can act as a communication service that will coordinate a consumer's personal needs. This may include introduction to new community providers, conveyance of information to CVRC counselors, parents, teachers, transportation services, medical/dental providers, landlords, Social Security, Social Services, therapists or any other public agency.

Health and Hygiene
We provide support and training in the importance of appearance, personal health, weight control, female topics, hygiene and grooming and in appropriate wardrobe. We teach this as an additive to a consumer's self -esteem and sense of personal pride.

Appropriate Relationship Development
This skill developed through everyday interaction and is touched on in all areas of independent living. The focus of this training supports the consumer's right not to be taken advantage of as well as respect for others. Behavior modification, appropriate interaction in social setting, identification of trusted persons and age appropriate relationship development are primary directives in the deliverance of this service.

Safety and Emergency Response Training
This service is provided in conjunction with all areas of independent living. We incorporate safety and emergency response training into each particular area of training. We focus on awareness of consumer's surroundings, traffic cues and signals, the 911 Emergency system, fire safety and what to do in the event of fire, electrical hazards, caution and precaution and safety in sex.

Money Mangement
KALOS has developed several different approaches to money management depending on a consumer's situation, spending habits, budget and lifestyle. We emphasize the importance of budgeting, money counting, change return, check writing and recording, bill payment methods, ATM/debit card use, understanding monetary denominations and coin identification. We also teach techniques in rectifying bank statements, coupon usage and in price comparisons. In addiction to these typical services, we also encourage and assist each of our programs available through their telephone, housing, and electric carriers.